Yoga Postures For Safe During Pregnancy

Yoga can be very beneficial during pregnancy, as long as you take certain precautions.

Yoga helps you breathe and relax, which in turn can help you adjust to the physical demands of pregnancy, labor, birth, and motherhood. It calms both mind and body, providing the physical and emotional stress relief your body needs throughout pregnancy.
A pregnant woman must take into consideration her health history before beginning with the exercises. For those who are doing yoga for the first time and have not been following a regime otherwise should not rush into the same without prior medical consent. The first three months are the most crucial and chances of miscarriage are high; therefore utmost caution is paramount during this time.

Try these calming poses that ease back pain, indigestion, stress, and other pregnancy-related issues.



Parvatasana (Mountain pose)      

    Sit on the mat in sukhasna, padmasana or ardhapadmasana.
    Sit straight and while you inhale, raise your arm and join your palms in ‘Namaste’ position. Keep your elbows straight. Hands are near to your ears. Hold the position for a few seconds and come back to normal position again.
    Repeat 2-3 times

Benefits: Improves body posture, relief in backache.

 Utkatasana (Chair pose)      

    Stand erect with feet 12 inches apart. Keep your feet parallel to each other.
    Inhale for 2 seconds and raise your heels and arms at shoulder level, palms facing down simultaneously.
    Exhale slowly; sit in squat pose, on your toes. If not comfortable standing on your toes, stand normally keeping feet flat on the ground.
    Keeping your hands in the same position, inhaling, get up slowly and stand on your toes.
    Exhale, hands down and heels down simultaneously.

Benefits: Strengthens thigh and pelvic muscles.

Vakrasna (Twisted pose)          

Sit erect with feet stretched in front (parallel).
-Inhale and raise your arms at shoulder level, palms facing down.
-Exhaling, twist your body from waist towards your right moving head and hands simultaneously to the same side. Swing arms back as much as possible. Do not bend your knees.
-Inhale and come back to original position maintaining your hands shoulder level and parallel to each other.

-Repeat on other side.

Benefit -Your spine, legs, hands, neck are exercised along with gentle massage to abdominal organs.

Konasana (Angle pose)          

- Flexibility of waist and fat remains under control in the waist region
-Stand erect with feet 24 inches apart. You can do this asana with the support of wall.
-Raise your right hand up keeping elbow straight. Give a nice upward stretch and while you inhale, bend sideward towards your left. Exhale and come back and put your hand down.

-Repeat the same with other side. 

 Balasana (Child Pose)      

Kneel on a mat with both big toes touching.
With buttocks resting on your heels,bend body forward until torso is nestled in the hip-wide gap between your thighs.
Lay both arms,palms up,on either side of the body.
Expand back surface by stretching the neck and by
releasing the weight of shoulder.

