Health Benefits of Dates

Important Benefits of Dates

Dates are the fruit of palm trees.The dates we see in the healthfood store are typically desert types.

health benefits ,dates benefits

dates are very good to eat. They are delicious and nutritious. “Apart from the delightful flavor, they are incredibly healthy and confer a tremendous amount of health benefits on your body. They are a rich source of healthy fiber, minerals, and vitamins and can help relieve painful constipation.

Benefits Of Dates

health benefits,dates benefitsDates are often categorized as a laxative food. This is why they are so frequently eaten by people suffering from constipation. In order to achieve the desired laxative effect of it, you should soak them in water over night. Then, eat the soaked dates in the morning like syrup to get the most optimal results. Dates have high levels of soluble fiber, which is essential in promoting healthy bowel movements and the comfortable passage of food through the intestinal tract, which can relieve symptoms of constipation.

Bone Health and Strength:
 The significant amounts of minerals found in dates make it a super food for strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. Date contains selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, all of which are integral to healthy bone development and strength, particularly as people begin to age and their bones gradually weaken. So, eat your dates and give a boost to your bones!

 Energy Boost:
Dates are filled with natural sugars. These include fructose, sucrose, and glucose. This makes them a perfect afternoon snack if one needs a quick energy boost. Skip the energy bar and eat a couple of dates instead. The fiber in the dates keeps power up without the crash one would typically experience from any other sweet treat.

Weight Gain: Dates should be included as a  part of a healthy diet. They consist of sugar, proteins and many essential vitamins. If dates are consumed with cucumber paste, you can also keep your weight at a normal, balanced level, rather than over-slimming. One kilogram of dates contains almost 3,000 calories, and the calories in dates are sufficient to meet the daily requirements for a human body. Of course, you should not eat just dates throughout the day. If you are thin and slim and want to increase your weight, or if you are trying to build your muscles to impress some girl, or you have become weak due to a serious medical problem – you need to eat dates.

Healthy Heart: 
Dates are quite helpful in keeping your heart healthy. When they are soaked for the night, crushed in the morning and then consumed, they have been shown to have a positive effect on weak hearts. Dates are also a rich source of potassium, which studies have shown to reduce the risk of stroke and other heart related diseases. Furthermore, they are suggested as a healthy and delicious way to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body, which is a major contributing factor heart attacks, heart disease, and stroke. Therefore, when taken twice a week, dates can seriously improve the overall health of the heart.

Sexual Weakness:
 Studies have shown that dates are even beneficial for increasing sexual stamina. Soak a handful of dates in fresh goat’s milk over night, then grind them in the same milk with a mixture of cardamom powder and honey. This mixture becomes a very useful tonic for increasing sexual endurance and reducing sterility caused by various sexual disorders.

