Amazing Health Benefits Of Banana

What Makes Bananas Healthy?

Bananas are so healthy that even the sugar in bananas is good for you.

One reason is that bananas are good for you is because they’re rich in fiber, 3.1 grams for a medium banana. The US Recommended Daily Allowance of fiber is 38 grams a day for men and 25 grams a day for women. Bananas are also an excellent source of potassium and magnesium: that medium banana contains 422 mg of potassium and 32 mg magnesium.
The health benefits of banana include helping with weight loss, reducing obesity, curing intestinal disorders, relieving constipation, and curing conditions like dysentery, anemia, tuberculosis, arthritis, gout, kidney disorders, urinary disorders, menstrual problems, and burns. They are also good for reducing blood pressure, protecting heart health, modifying the metabolism, improving the immune system, reducing the severity of ulcers, ensuring healthy eyes, building strong bones, and detoxifying the body.

The fruit of the banana tree is eaten directly when ripe or as a part of fruit salads, juice, or shakes. Unripe bananas can cause severe indigestion and  should be eaten only in cooked form. Also, bananas are good toppings for breakfast cereals, or as a snack for a quick burst of energy.
Bananas are more commonly found in Europe and America, and are soft, desert fruits.Most Americans don’t get enough of either fiber or potassium, yet both are important to your health. In fact, magnesium is critical for transporting potassium across cell membranes, so it can play an important role in maintaining a normal heart rate.

 The health benefits of banana include the following:

Weight Loss and Obesity: Bananas are useful for weight loss as one banana only has approximately 90 calories. It contains a lot of fiber as well and is easy to digest. Furthermore, it does not contain any fats. Therefore, an overweight person does not have to eat too many calories if their diet contains some bananas, because they also serve to feel very filling. The roughage will also not make the person feel hungry by inhibiting the release of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. This will reduce overeating, keep a person healthy, but also help them naturally lose weight.

Stronger Bones: Bananas are one of the best fruits for guaranteeing strong, healthy bones throughout your life. One of the best reasons for this is the presence of fructooligosaccharide, which is a prebiotic and eventually a probiotic, beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract that boosts the intake of minerals and nutrients by the body. Specifically, bananas are linked to increased absorption of calcium. Some bananas also possess short-chain fatty acids, which humans cannot absorb, but the organism that live in our stomach lining can consume those fatty acids, which increases their ability to absorb minerals like calcium. Calcium is the most important element in the production and regrowth of bone matter in the body, thereby reducing the chances of osteoporosis and natural weakness commonly linked to aging.

Arthritis and Gout: Various compounds inside of bananas are anti-inflammatory in nature, meaning that they can reduce swelling, inflammation, and irritation from various conditions like arthritis and gout. These conditions are very common as people age, or if they have poor diets or unhealthy diets. Therefore, adding a banana a day to your dietary regimen can keep you ache and pain-free for many years.

Weight Gain: At the same time as helping people lose weight, bananas can also be useful for weight gain. When consumed with milk, bananas help to increase a person’s weight rapidly. Milk provides the necessary proteins and bananas provide the sugars. Furthermore, since bananas are easily digested, a weak person can gulp 5-6 bananas in a day apart from the regular meals without giving them indigestion. This leads to an additional 500-600 calories which is quite necessary for weight gain. Since bananas have the ability to provide instant energy, sportsmen eat bananas during breaks during games for an extra surge of energy.

Constipation: Bananas contain significant amounts of dietary fiber and therefore help in smooth bowel movements. Bananas are said to push out stubborn stools and relieve a person from constipation. They also help in treating other intestinal disorders. Fiber is able to bulk up stool and help to stimulate the body’s peristaltic motion, which helps to move bowel movements through the intestinal tract. This can help to reduce unhealthy digestive conditions, as well as colorectal cancer!

Ulcers: For years, bananas have been used as an antacid food to soothe upset stomachs. It actually does far more than that, however, and can suppress acid secretion. The organic compounds in bananas stimulate the activity of the cells in our stomach lining in order to build up a protective barrier against acids. They also contain protease inhibitors, which eliminate the harmful bacteria that have been linked to the development of stomach ulcers!

Kidney Disorders: Bananas have been linked to reducing the danger towards the kidneys from a number of different conditions. Potassium helps to regulate the fluid balance in the body, and that can help ease the strain on the kidneys, and also encouraging urination. This can help to keep toxins from accumulating in the body, and speeding up their release from the body through increased frequency and volume of urination. Furthermore, there are polyphenolic, antioxidant compounds in bananas that positively impact kidney function and the accumulation of toxins, while also stimulating proper functioning of the kidneys.

Eye Health: Bananas, like many other fruits, are packed with antioxidant compounds and carotenoids, as well as a proper mix of minerals that can seriously boost the health of your eyes. Macular degeneration, cataracts, night blindness, and glaucoma have all been shown to decrease with normal intake of bananas and other similar fruits.
