pregnancy dos and don'ts

dos and don'ts during pregnancy

First time expectant mothers are not really aware of the Pre-Conception Do’s and Dont’s perhaps because they are totally unaware of them or they choose to ignore them.

pregnancy dos and don'ts


Benefits Of Preconception Care

.Pre-conception care has numerous benefits for both you and your partner:
.Enhances fertiliy,balances hormones and regulates ovulation.
.Improves the health of the ovaries,eggs and the uterus,and sperm(quality,count,motility).
.Reduces the risk of miscarriage
.Reduces morning sickness
.Reduces the risk of your child developing
allergies,asthma,and eczema.

History of Earlier Pregnancies:
This history includes details of any previous pregnancies, menstrual cycle, your use of contraceptives, the results of previous Pap test, and information regarding any STIs (sexually transmitted infections), or vaginal infections in the past.

Medication: Currently, if you are on some type of medication, please provide the details to your health care provider. Also, in case you are allergic to any medicines, be sure to provide the details. Also, inform your health care provider about any supplements or herbal medicines that you are taking. Sharing all their details could help to prevent any birth-related defect in the baby.
pragnancy dos and donts

Surgical or Hospitalization Record: In case you have been hospitalized or have undergone surgery or transfusions, you need to inform your health care provider during your visit.

 History of Earlier Pregnancies: This history includes details of any previous pregnancies, menstrual cycle, your use of contraceptives, the results of previous Pap test, and information regarding any STIs (sexually transmitted infections), or vaginal infections in the past.

Currently, if you are on some type of medication, please provide the details to your health care provider. Also, in case you are allergic to any medicines, be sure to provide the details. Also, inform your health care provider about any supplements or herbal medicines that you are taking. Sharing all their details could help to prevent any birth-related defect in the baby.

Pregnancy2Exercise or Yoga: Normally, you may continue your exercise or yoga till you get pregnant. You may be advised by your health care provider to modify or decrease the exercise or yoga. Inform them if you do or do not work out.

Being a healthy body weight is important when planning a pregnancy. If you're underweight it can affect your fertility by making it more difficult to conceive. Being underweight may also increase the risk of having a low birth weight baby. Conversely being overweight can also affect fertility and may increase the risk of pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, infections and diabetes.

Try to improve your diet before you get pregnant as this will help you control your weight more easily during pregnancy.

Supplements:Apart from folic acid, dietary supplements should not be necessary as you prepare for pregnancy as long as your diet is healthy and varied. However if you are worried and do want to take a pre-natal supplement make sure that you only use specially formulated prenatal multivitamin and mineral supplements. These are more likely to provide nutrients in balanced amounts, not high doses that might be dangerous to your health. Do not take large doses of single nutrients especially vitamin A.

Drinking Water:
Drinking water should be safe. Do not consume water taken from wells, as it might contain high levels of nitrate.

Tests and Physical Examination:
It is suggested to undergo the tests and physical examination as advised by the health care provider. This would ensure that you remain healthy during the pre-conception stage. Taking care of your health before conception is not only good for you, but also for your baby.


Foods to Limit or Avoid:

It is a good idea to start to cut down on your alcohol consumption if you and/ or your partner are regular drinkers.
pragnancy dos and donts

Caffeine Intake:
Caffeine is present in tea, coffee, chocolates, aerated drinks, and some medications. Women planning to get pregnant should not consume more than 300 milligrams (mg) caffeine per day that is about two cups of coffee (cup measure 8 ounce).

Pre-conception care and counseling is of the utmost importance. It makes women more informed about the “do’s” and “don’ts” before getting pregnant. Also, it prepares women both emotionally and physically to enter the next exciting phase of their life.

Overdose On Refined Carbs:
White bread, white rice, sweets and sodas rush into your bloodstream, spiking your blood glucose levels. These spikes may result in fatter newborns, who are at greater risk of being overweight as they grow up. "If you consume the same number of calories but just change what you eat, your baby may have less body fat at birth and a lower risk of future obesity," Ricciotti says. Limit the white stuff and choose unrefined grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and whole-wheat tortillas and bread.

You should be cautious about the environment around you. For instance, do not expose yourself to X-rays, CT scan, lead, any kind of solvents, cat feces, and metal detector machines (usually in shopping malls, office campus, and airports, inform the security personnel about your pregnancy). Your exposure to these could be hazardous. It could adversely affect your ability to become pregnant or maintain a healthy pregnancy.

